Things to do, things not to do…

June 29, 2009 at 8:13 pm (Uncategorized)

Saturday night, the big kids were at a sleepover, so I decided to fix something spicy. Being a little on the obsessed with tempeh, I made the hot sauce glazed tempeh from the Veganomicon, and as they suggest, I paired it with greens. We got this swiss chard from the CSA, and this recipe was a total fail. The stalks were way too fibrous to enjoy, but the recipe called for sauteing them before adding in the leaves. I didn’t enjoy the taste and wished that I had prepared them the “normal” way. The sweet potato fries, however, ruled with the tempeh, which was also divine!

6.29.09 004

Then, last night, I followed up on the tempeh obsession to do some of my standard fajitas. Yum.

6.29.09 005

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June 27, 2009 at 2:52 pm (Uncategorized)

There has been some interest in my revisiting the blog, so here it goes. Also, we are getting a new CSA this summer, so there should be lots of food to talk about.

I’ll start with a stir fry. This one is a basic mix of zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, carrots, onion, and bok choy. I sauteed/barbecued some tempeh and we sprinkled a little of that over the top. Serve it with some sriracha and it’s a MEAL. Simple as that.

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6.21.09 002

Then, yesterday, I tried my hand at a Green Drink. You know, the health deal where you mix up a fruit and some greens and maybe another vegetable and some water. It’s a surprisingly refreshing way to incorporate raw foods into the diet. I definitely struggle with getting enough raw foods because I prefer cooked vegetables, but this was really good. Because of the jewel-toned result, it is also a quite stunning snack. Next time, I do think I’ll strain it first.

2 cups water
1 apple, cored
couple handfuls fresh spinach
1 cucumber
6.27.09 004

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Hungry much?

February 4, 2009 at 6:38 pm (Uncategorized)

WELL this weekend I made food. I’m trying very desperately to only eat at restaurants once per week, and that’s kinda tough considering that we tend to eat out whenever we feel like it. It’s our number one splurge in our budget. Of course I think about our spending and how we could do better. If I opt to only buy most items when I am in need, then I should apply this across the board. Truthfully, I tend to like food at home better. I feel better about the quality and cleanliness, but I love the atmosphere of a restaurant. And the getting out of the house bit. When you are at home with kids a lot, and your husband works at home, it’s very tempting to use eating out as a way out of the house. I just want restaurant eating to reclaim its special place in my heart instead of a regular habit.

So, this past weekend I brought the country to us. I am considering writing up a bunch of vegan recipes for country-style food. We’ll see if I actually do, though.

apple pie

crash hot potatoes

crash hot potatoes

Country-style dining Saturday night.

Country-style dining Saturday night.

The country meal was fantastic, and I even made a crock pot of beans on Sunday to go with some cornbread. It was so good…

Then, Tuesday, I decided to send our tastebuds to France. It’s pretty cold and I could eat soup anytime, so I made some potage bonne femme. It’s just a velvety, creamy, healthy (and vegan!) soup blended with carrots, potatoes, leeks, veg broth, and seasoning. Keeping it simple, enjoying it famously.

Potage Bonne Femme, lunch Tuesday.

Potage Bonne Femme, lunch Tuesday.

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I got tagged…

February 1, 2009 at 9:01 pm (Uncategorized)

The Rules:

Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
Let them know they’ve been tagged.

I don’t plan on tagging anyone. Newton tagged me, though. 🙂

Here are seven things about me that you may not know. This is better than the 25 things I did on facebook!

1. I am obsessed with the concepts of pregnancy/childbirth/nursing. I would love to be a midwife or a lactation consultant. I can’t imagine a more rewarding career than helping women to accept, appreciate, and experience the beautiful design of our bodies.

2. I love cleanliness. I like order. I want my environment to be peaceful at home. Having kids makes this really tough.

3. I seriously miss working out. I used to have time most days of the week, and now I simply don’t. I miss it.

4. I got paddled once at school when I was in kindergarten. It was for talking out of turn. I think it may have been the same day that I emptied an entire bottle of ketchup on this kid Nick’s hot dog. I hated Nick for some reason, and so I thought that it would be funny to destroy his lunch. I got paddled by my teacher, Ms. Hawk, in the hallway in front of another teacher. It was a paddleball paddle. It didn’t hurt, but the embarrassment lasted a lifetime.

5. I kinda thought I would be an attractive “catch” because I enjoy domestic tasks. I remember being 17 and thinking that I was the only one who LIKED cleaning because things would be fresh and nice afterward. And I assumed that boys wouldn’t date girls who wear glasses, so maybe my “in” would be that I could cook, clean, and sew.

6. I don’t really see the big deal with white flour. It tastes great, and I eat enough fiber during the day. So what if I use white flour in most of my baked goods??? I have no intention of stopping.

7. I don’t like scary movies. It makes no sense to be afraid or overloaded with unnecessary fake gore. I don’t understand why people would pay good money to feel afraid. I feel like I have worked to make my environment a place where I don’t feel afraid…

So that’s seven things. Back later with a food post.

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Back from hiatus! (and a birth story!)

January 6, 2009 at 3:17 am (Uncategorized)

Well…  I’m back from hiatus.  I guess 19 weeks is truly long enough!  Most of my (few) readers know the recent events, but I’ll fill you all in briefly.

When I was exactly 40 weeks along, I delivered our third baby!  I’ll have to say that Vivian’s birth was the most wonderful and fulfilling delivery I have had.  The story goes something like this…  Friday night we were both a bit frustrated and distraught that the baby hadn’t arrived yet.  I had scheduled post-date testing (as mentioned in the last post) and was nervous that the testing would be used as a means to get me in the hospital for an unnecessary induction…  I decided to relax and have a nice long bath and go to bed early.  The next morning, we woke up early, and found my water had broken.  B showered while I changed the sheets and  called our moms and the doctor.  It was about 7:30 when this all began.  My water was obviously ruptured, but I wasn’t uncomfortable or anything, so I wanted to get the wet sheets off the bed and we finished packing the last minute things.

Around 8:00, I began to feel some contractions.  I was busy, though, getting ready to leave, so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to them.  B’s mom got to our house and was going to feed breakfast to the big kids while my mom was on her way from Monteagle.  I remember wanting to stop and have coffee and pancakes on the way to the hospital, but we opted for the hospital instead…  Thankfully, there were some empty spots in the active labor parking, so we were able to park there.  Mind you, my water had broken and I had a towel between my legs, so walking was, well, interesting.  I also was moving slowly because the baby had moved quite low over the last week and I was laboring more productively than I knew.  I filled out my paperwork and was wheeled to triage to be checked.  Apparently, not many people have spontaneous labors anymore, so it was us and a few other people who happened to be in labor on that day — not a lot of people around.   In fact, Baptist doesn’t use a whole section of LDR rooms on the weekends because of scheduled births during the week…

Anyway, I had a great nurse in triage who confirmed that I was at 4-5 cm and really in labor.  She kept asking if I was uncomfortable and what I wanted to do about the discomfort.  To be totally honest, I was uncomfortable now and again for a minute or so, but I was able to breathe through it and find nice positions so I wasn’t interested in pain relief.  As per my wishes, they installed a port in my arm “just in case” I needed any interventions.  I didn’t get the routine IV.  Our very kind nurse took us quickly to a LDR room, making sure all the equipment worked (like the tv!) and dimmed the lights for us.  It was a rainy morning, and the dim light made it easy to relax.   My dr arrived and checked me and I was at a 6.  This was all by 9:30.  They asked us what we wanted, and I explained I didn’t want any interventions for pain or anything.  I was allowed to labor in peace and calm.  B kept me engaged in tv and conversations and he would apply pressure when I would be uncomfortable.  We had a nice time together — it was very intimate and relaxing.  I had read all the books explaining that women felt “high” during labor and I thought it was trash and  not even a remote possibility, but on the contrary, I felt that labor “high” throughout.  It intensified closer to the delivery, making me feel at ease and calm and  pleased with the scenario.  Because I had chosen to labor naturally, I was pretty much left alone.  The nurse and my dr would come in periodically and ask me  how I was, but I only opted to be checked occasionally.  I was progressing quickly.  The beauty of laboring naturally is the dignity.  I had to use the restroom, and I could walk myself, close the door, do my business, and not be monitored by a lot of people.  It was sharply different than the times I had to be catheterized and treated like an animal.  By 11:00, I was noticing a lot more intensity.  By this point, I was having to use all my attention when I would have a contraction.  In between, though, I was able to catch my breath and relax.  By 11:30, things were getting a bit dicey.  I felt uncomfortable and unable to reach a good position and was likened to a cat with tape on its tail.  I was completely paranoid — I felt that nobody would believe me.  I had the nurse check me and I was an 8 on the right side, and I felt like lying on my right side.  She seemed to think this would help me to complete faster, and almost immediately after turning to my side, my body began to push.  I began to flip.  I was told “no, you’re just at an 8, so you need to not push, just wait!”  Then, B took a look, and he saw the baby, so we got everyone in to help out.  By the time I felt I had the go ahead to push, I was feeling fantastic.  Nobody counted, complimented, told me what to do.  I pushed as I needed, slowed when I needed, and delivered our 8.8lb baby at 12:08.  Another dr had to pinch hit while mine was scrubbing up.  I delivered the placenta on my own, no drugs involved.  I had my natural, healthy, wonderful labor.  I was not compromised in any way, shape, or form, and I had the most spiritual experience of my life.

So, we now have three (!) kids and are truly busy.  I haven’t slept well since 8/23, and I am not confident I will sleep through the night for another couple of years.  I’m taking it in stride as well as possible — so far there is little time for the things I have grown to enjoy like swimming/running/weights.  Fortunately, I didn’t gain much during the pregnancy, so I am a couple pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of pregnancy, although I could use the exercise for toning and general health.  I am having a tough time with the lack of breaks from nursing.  With the others, I didn’t worry about leaving B with a bottle to feed the baby, but with Viv, she hasn’t successfully taken a bottle since October.  So, I am nervous about leaving her.  We also have little time to go out alone.  B and I went out to dinner one night, and that was great.  I’m anxious for another date that involves leaving the house together without our kids, but it’s a lot to ask someone to watch all three.  Especially since the baby may or may not take a bottle.  I imagine these things will iron out as time goes on, but there are definitely some issues with having this many kids.  On the other hand, our lives are full and our  kids are a true blessing despite all the hard work.  And I try to remember that before I know it, we will be sending them off to college.

So that catches us up for the most part.  We have been in the throes of baby/kid care.  The big girl is going back ti kindergarten tomorrow for the first day after the holidays.  We’ve had a nice break, and it will be good to get back in the routine again!

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39 weeks 5 days

August 21, 2008 at 6:39 pm (Uncategorized)

So it’s the final countdown…  We had the appointment today, and everything looks ok for today.  The baby is very, very low (4 cm lower than the low last week) and the cervical changes are still kickin.  I have to have a biophysical profile to check on the health of the  baby/me on Monday if I haven’t labored by then, so I am officially desperate for labor this weekend.  Tomorrow my mom comes to hang out and help pick up the big kid from kindergarten.  This makes tomorrow a favorable day for labor, as well as anytime before Monday.

I’m sweating this.  I really want to go on my own, I really want this experience to fall within the design intended for my body, and I know I am beautifully made to deliver this baby.  I don’t really want an intervention at all.  So, put in a good word for us that we will deliver our baby the way we are supposed to and that we will make it to the hospital in time.

Here’s what I look like.  Still holding at 17 lbs.

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39 weeks

August 16, 2008 at 7:55 pm (Uncategorized)

OK, so that’s what I look like today…  A little on the portly side, although, I have only amassed 17 extra pounds.  You can notice the profile, I look ready.  The baby has settled into her position, I am considered a prime candidate for labor/delivery according to my appointment this week.  I will have between now and 41 weeks to come up with some labor on my own.  Anyone up for a castor oil party?

Seriously, I am finally ready.  I have spent about the last 32 weeks trying to figure out how you get ready for a baby when your life is already so full.  I don’t know that I’ve really figured that out, or that I’ll ever have everything in place, but I am ok with letting her join our family at this point.  That being said, I am happy about her arrival now.  We have our cloth diaper shipment waiting for her in her room, I finished a sweater that will maybe fit her when she is 2, and I have her blanket ready to go.  Tonight, I plan on casting on for a similar sweater in a smaller gauge so that maybe she can wear it this winter.  I don’t have that feeling of needing to finish anything else for her.

I am nervous about how the event will unfold — will I know it’s the real thing? will I know when to go to the hospital?  who will be watching the kids?  how will the tradeoff go when my mom arrives?  do I call my mom in the middle of the night if it happens then?  will I remember the difference between the smells — like what if my water breaks?  But I will face my fear.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

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August 13, 2008 at 9:14 pm (Uncategorized)

It’s been a long time since my last posting! Things have been moving along with us…I am nearly 39 weeks along, and we have a kindergartener! It has been a really crazy week getting the big girl started in her class as well as getting details taken care of for the new baby. The little boy seems to be doing his normal thing. We have also been watching the crap out of some Olympic swimming — it’s just so compelling. I can’t believe we are at the end of this pregnancy, it really feels like only a few weeks ago when we found out about it. I am not sure, of course, when we will deliver as I am showing no signs of imminent labor, but we will see. I hope it comes on like a storm in the evening time and hopefully on a weekend day, maybe Sunday? I could live with that, for sure.

I have created an heirloom, so after this week, I will be mentally happy to have my baby. Very happy. There is a full moon on Saturday, so who knows? I am still trucking along on a sweater for the baby, but it won’t fit until much later, so not as big of a rush to complete.

Anyway, here is the finished product.

It is the Mason-Dixon mitered square blanket reduced to baby-size.  It’s still a significant size, though.  I am proud of how it came out — it’s a lot of seaming, but it’s worth it.  It was a relatively fun knit, just tons of finishing work.  I used the suggested cotton classic, and it’s a particular dream after laundering.

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Most important meal of the day.

June 25, 2008 at 3:04 pm (Uncategorized)

Fronch toast.  This was the first time I had ever made this from VWAV and it was delightful.  Mods — I had only soy milk, so no soy creamer.  I also added a good splash of vanilla extract and an even bigger splash of almond extract.  I didn’t have bread other than sandwich bread, so we put that in a 350 oven for a few minutes to get it dried out a tad.  Then I simply dunked the bread real quick in the mix, heated it with a  bit of oil, and then it was all done.  A good, simple breakfast.  You could plan ahead a bit and mix up the batter the night before and sit the bread on the counter to get it good and stale for the  morning.  That would cut down on prep and mess in the morning, to be sure.

I simply had no idea last night that we would be making this today!

And I’m so glad that cantaloupe is in season again!

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No secrets now…

June 13, 2008 at 9:57 pm (Uncategorized)

In case your curious, there really IS something there in that belly.  What is it, though?  Basketball?  Watermelon?

another similar view

I am 29 weeks, 6 days.  So tomorrow starts the home stretch — 30 weeks.  Both the other kids were born at 39 weeks, so we’ll see when this one decides to emerge.  As per the usual, I am carrying really low, and I feel that.  There is a lot of pressure and a lot of weight despite the fact that I haven’t piled on weight at the usual rate for myself.

We went to Atlanta last weekend and enjoyed an indulgent phase of eating (R Thomas, Soul Vegetarian, Cafe Sunflower, and Green Sprout) and a very relaxing stay at the Peach House, where we had the big suite again, complete with claw-footed bathtub.  It’s fantastic there, and we had a great trip on our own before coming home to work some more on all the stuff.  All the getting ready for baby stuff, combining kids’ rooms stuff, etc.  It was a nice break!  Now, though, things are really setting in.  The kids’ bunkbeds are here, we’ll soon put the crib together, and before we know it, a couple of months will pass and we will have a tiny baby again.  Unreal.

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